AALHE Publication Opportunities
Emerging Dialogues |
Intersection |
Conference Proceedings |
Words |
Up to 1,200 |
2,000 to 8,000 |
Five to fifteen pages recommended (or 6,000 words including abstract, references, or charts/tables/figures) |
Frequency |
Rolling basis |
2 issues per year |
Once a year |
Abstract |
Required 2-3 sentences |
150 words
150 words
Review process |
Double-anonymous review process |
Double-anonymous review process |
Editor review |
Submission approach |
Submit via Google Form |
Submit via Scholastica |
Submit via Scholastica |
Article types |
Readable and consumable practitioner-oriented articles |
- Research articles (Quantitative & Qualitative)
- Commentary
- Conceptual
Articles that were presented at the AALHE conference |
Recent articles titles |
Improve Diverse Learners’ Experiences in First Year Writing
Promoting Equity and Empowering Faculty with Data Coaching
Learning Assessment in Noncredit Continuing Education
Including authentic student voice in your assessment story
Acceptance rate |
Dependent on review process |
80% (peer-reviewed acceptance rate) |
N/A |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
The mission of Emerging Dialogues (ED) is to discuss current issues and ideas relevant to higher education assessment practitioners today. ED is a platform for articles focused on student learning assessment that are relevant to assessment practitioners.
New and experienced authors, professionals, graduate students, and others are encouraged to write about current emerging themes (dialogues, if you will) in assessment. The peer review process is supportive and iterative, especially for first-time submissions. Publications include formal and informal articles, such as:
- Case studies
- Formal responses to previously published pieces
- Personal Narratives or Op-eds
- Innovative Ideas or Challenges
- Translation of conference presentations to publication format
All Conference presentations are eligible for inclusion in the conference proceedings. The Proceedings of the AALHE Conference serve several important functions:
- it is a rich resource for all who are interested in assessment in higher education,
- it provides best practices shared by member institutions at the AALHE Conference,
- it supports, documents, and affirms the contributions of the presenters.
Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning is the official journal of the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE).
The goal of Intersection is to provide scholarship and professional development in assessment for learning. All articles are education-related and serve a broad higher-education community. The peer-reviewed journal follows a double-anonymous review process. Approximately 80 percent of submissions are accepted for publication. Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning is indexed in Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). Each published articles has its own DOI.