Mission Statement

AALHE is the national membership community of assessment professionals who promote, advocate for, inform, and lead ethical and equity-minded assessment practices in higher education. The Association serves as a central assessment resource that empowers our members to cultivate and improve student learning and institutional quality. We do this by facilitating scholarship and professional development, generating knowledge and resources, and providing networking and idea-sharing opportunities.


Strategic Goals

I.              Cultivate a Community of Assessment Practitioners

The Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education will support assessment practitioners and cultivate a professional community.

II.             Lead and Advocate for Assessment

The Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education will lead and advocate for assessment that will have a positive impact on higher education and its stakeholders now and into the future.

III.            Provide a Quality Membership Experience

The Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education will continuously monitor and enhance the value of membership

IV.           Increase and Diversify Revenue

The Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education will diversify revenue streams to mitigate risk and provide resources to support organizational success.