Elections Procedures for the AALHE Board of Directors
2025 Call for Nominations
AALHE is excited to announce that there are three seats opening on the Board of Directors! We invite all individual or institutional AALHE members in good standing to nominate themselves as candidates for the upcoming term, which will span from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028.
Serving on the AALHE Board of Directors is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the leadership of our community of assessment professionals as we promote, advocate for, inform, and lead ethical and equity-minded assessment practices in higher education.
In an effort to foster inclusivity in the field of assessment and strengthen our Association, we are looking to broaden the diversity of perspectives and experiences represented on our Board. While it is essential to ensure that the necessary skill sets are present to fulfill our mission effectively, we warmly encourage individuals from all backgrounds to apply.
Prospective candidates may review the mandatory requirements, preferred qualifications, and service expectations below. Nominees should also discuss Board service with their home institutions to ensure support in meeting the full commitment to Board Service.
Interested candidates may nominate themselves below. If you know of a colleague who would make a great addition, please also feel free to forward this opportunity on to them! Please direct questions to [email protected].
Completed Nomination Forms are due by Friday, February 28 at 11:59 pm (PST).
Overview of Elections Process
Nomination & Initial Review
At the close of the nomination period (no less than 30 days from the publication of the Call for Nominations), the Nominations Task Force (NTF) will review nominees’ submissions for evidence of the minimum requirements for Board service.
Mandatory Requirements for Board of Directors Nominees
- Individual or Institutional member in good standing, per AALHE Bylaws (Article II, Section 3, “Membership Dues and Privileges”)
- History of meaningful engagement with AALHE activities/events
- Demonstrated commitment to AALHE’s mission and values:
- Advocacy and Quality
- Belonging
- Curiosity
- Integrity
Candidate Interviews
Nominees who meet the minimum requirements for Board service will be invited to participate in virtual interviews with 1-2 members of the NTF. During the interview, nominees will discuss their backgrounds and vision for Board service in more detail, including any preferred qualifications or additional skills or dispositions they would bring to the organization.
Preferred Qualifications
AALHE’s commitment to being a leading voice and advocate for championing student learning and success in higher education requires diversity of skills, backgrounds, and expertise, and perspectives. With this in mind, we especially welcome nominees who:
- Round out the skills expertise of our returning Directors, including budget development, accounting/finances, policy development, and deep AALHE institutional knowledge;
- Bring lived experience currently under-represented in our organization, including but not limited to those informed by race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability, and other social identities shared with the students we serve;
- Bring professional experience from broad institutional and divisional contexts, such as minority serving, faith-based, technical/vocational, general studies, graduate-only, community college, or 2-year institutions, as well as institutional roles in academic and faculty affairs, student affairs, and administrative leadership.
Beyond specific skill sets and experiences, we ask that prospective Board members demonstrate a commitment to AALHE and its vision, including leadership positions within AALHE committee structure and contributions to the larger field of assessment of student learning in higher education.
Nominees who are invited to interview will receive the protocol / rubric well in advance.
General Membership Election
After the conclusion of interviews, the NTF will determine the slate of candidates based on the documentation provided by nominees in writing and orally. The slate will be shared with the Board of Directors and will then go forward to a vote for open positions by AALHE membership.
Onboarding & Board Service
Directors elected in this cycle will serve terms beginning immediately after the 2025 AALHE Conference in June 2025, and lasting through the 2028 Annual Conference.
Expectations of Sitting Board Members
As a volunteer organization fueled by its membership, AALHE relies on its Board of Directors to serve as models of active service to both the organization and the field of assessment. Sitting board members are expected to:
- Participate in virtual Board meetings held at least monthly with limited absences;
- Serve the organization in multiple additional capacities, which may include acting as liaison to an AALHE standing committee, service in an appointed Executive-level role, strategic and organizational plannings, or other ongoing organizational initiatives which fit with Directors’ expertise and interests;
- Attend and support the AALHE Annual Conference each May/June;
- Remain actively engaged in the AALHE Basecamp communications platform between meetings; and
- Be familiar with and abide by AALHE’s Bylaws, which further outline the responsibilities of Board service
While Board members are not monetarily compensated for their services, funding opportunities are available to Directors in good standing whose full participation in Board activities would otherwise be precluded by financial limitations.