Support AALHE: Donate online by clicking here
Donations made to the General AALHE Fund will be used to strengthen the organization, improve the annual conference, and increase benefits to our members.
The Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE) is incorporated as a non-profit entity in the state of Kentucky (January 2010) and is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions.
AALHE Travel Award
AALHE offers travel assistance because developing the next generation of assessment practitioners is one of our strategic goals. Assistance will vary and is available to cover up to $1000 of reimbursable transportation and lodging expenses; in addition, assistance may include registration support.
We will take the following into consideration when reviewing applications (listed in no particular order):
- Whether the applicant is the author/presenter and the type of presentation (symposium, presentation, dialogue or skill/building, poster).
- Statement of Interest and Financial Need
- Volunteer service and/or leadership on the AALHE committee
- Current AALHE members in good standing
- Acceptance of a conference proposal by the proposal deadline (submit the Travel Assistance Application).
Reimbursable expenses include the following:
- Lodging: Budget Rate
- Transportation
- Registration (Half or Full Coverage)
Please note that the conference proposal and the travel assistance application processes are separate and require two actions. (1) Conference proposals are submitted online and are due in January. (2) To apply for travel assistance, complete the online application form.
The deadline for applications is March 7, 2025. Grant recipients will be notified in writing by the end of March.